Thursday 29 March 2007

Where We Are...

Where We Are

For those who believe in the spirit world, they know that how we live now determines our existence and future. They have to struggle to live right and die happy, or enjoy the carnal pleasures that which we have now and endure eternal damnation.

Heaven and hell; angels and demons... they are all separate, different. The onus now is on us to decide whom shall we listen to... good or evil...

The choice is yours

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Seduced By Good And Evil

Seduced By Good And Evil

Ever had a sinful temptation, yet the good in you is telling you no, but you know you want it despite of?

Well, this is my depiction of such...

Seduced by good and evil took me two days to complete. Yes, it looks simple, but it took me, about 55 separate photos to create this. Strange huh?

I know, I myself am stunned when I was finished.

This is now rated my second best piece, due to the toiling I had to endure with it. I hope that others who see it would share my love for it as well

Saturday 24 March 2007

In Love With The Master

In Love With The Master

Sitting alone pondering on your sweetheart. Wishing you knew where they were; singing sweet melodies in your heart, and praying for their safety... Moments like these feel like heaven.

In love with the master speaks about the human way of love and falling in love. Nothing else exists except you and that special someone.

This art piece is dedicated to my special someone

Queen Of The Moonbeams

Queen of the Moonbeams

A collection of different tales compiled into one photo. This story has a beginning, middle and end, and the central point is the woman... The mother of creations.... Mother Earth.

Following the great reaction from my mates with my first piece Sacramentum, I decided to work on something less morbid, but dark, and yet serene. Hence the development of Queen of the Moonbeams.

Given that the moon is the satellite to the Earth, I gave Mother Earth the title as The Queen of such, as opposed to the Sun, which controls all nine planets that revolve around it.

I used a lovely young lass to represent Mother Earth given that the earth is still young, and despite all the turmoil and destruction she endures, she still goes strong.

From her chalace, the waters of life flow and ebb with the waves that wash upon our shores... With her breath, the air is fresh preserving life as we know it. This woman deserves all our respect, for she is our mother.

Queen of the Moonbeams is thus far my favourite piece, and hope most everyone share that same feeling with me


Sacramentum Before

My concept of good and evil; heaven and hell.. The border is thin and no one can tell the difference. This art piece defines good spirits and evil forces alike. Can you tell the difference?

Because... demons are angels too...

The art piece was called Sacramentum because I believe all things are good, even those things that are vastly filled with evil or driven with evil intentions do have some minute proportion of good, and purity.

Thanks to my good friend Cherisse who from 1000 miles away assisted in passing my bit-by-bit collection through her photoshop, if wasn't for her, I'd be in a mess.

Sacramentum - Final Product